Saleh Gulf Oil Crisis (1983-1991)
Saleh Gulf Oil Crisis (1983-1991) | |||||||
300px Burning Oil Platfoms in the Saleh Gulf | |||||||
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Eastern Althenan Countries
Terrorist Organisations Independence Front (Ladar) | ||||||
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The Saleh Gulf Oil Crisis (1983-1991), was a war between Ladar based Isolationist Terrorist Organisations as well as other terrorist organisations in that general area and Trentannia and other major powers in western Althena especially the oil companies surrounding this section of Althena. It was the most costly war to date with multiple companies going bankrupt as well as mass amount of damage to the countries involved in the conflict.
The start of the war is accepted to academics as the signing of a new Trentannian oil field in the Saleh Gulf on the April 14, 1983. Earlier public protests led others to believe the conflict started as early as the April 16, 1983, 2 days after the signing. The war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Pascuz which led to the loss of the Saleh Gulf Oil Fields (some companies were allowed to remain as long as permits were applied every 10 years). It was not until 2005 when restrictions were lifted with the help of Abbasid.
For over 25 years, since Oil was found in the Saleh Gulf and other locations across Mid-Althena, West-Althenian oil companies have been utilising oil resources. This has lead to a rise in job opportunities in Central Althena but has lead to some countries such as Trentannia becoming dependent on Central Althenian oil.
On the of April 14, 1983, Trentannian oil company, Forester Petroleum was accepted by the Mahrain government to construct 10 new oil platforms to the west of the country close to the Ladar border. The construction was due to start on April 20, with labour from Mahrain and Ladar helping the construction. But on the 16th of April, mass demonstrations occurred in Ladar and Mahrain cities stating that the local spot was a well known fishing spot and would cripple business in the country for fishermen.
Pre-War Events
The Pre-War Events started with the spread of the protests generally now turned into an environmental protest claiming the oil company ruins nature spots full of sea-life. These took place all over middle-Althena, not just the countries mentioned in the war. In fact it wasn't only middle-Althena that protested but it was all over east-Althena as environmental parties and environmentalists protested for the oil companies to change where they drill for oil.
This got the Sameshria enviromentalist terrorist organisation called the Devils Blood Organisation, focusing mainly on fuel companies (calling all non-renewable fuels the Devil's Blood). Not all of the organisation protested throughout Sameshria as most protests were to the north-east coast where the most oil fields were laid in the Saleh Gulf.
UngeKraft Helicopter Sabotage
One particular event that occurred in Sameshria was the sabotage of Luthan company, Ungebundene Kraftstoff (UngeKraft to the rest of Adonia) of their helicopter transport to multiple oil fields by them. None of the planes crashed as the sabotage was noticed before any of them took off. The helicopters were AltCopter Super-Stag CF322, a passenger helicopter that could carry around 22 passengers and 2 crew-members, a fleet of 8 of them were tampered with. The tail blades had been weakened to the extent that at a certain speed they would fall off, this was thought to not be an act of terrorism as nobody was intended to die as the separation of the tail blades would be non-deadly as the speed would be lower than take off speed. the Devils Blood Organisation claimed responsibility for this attack on Ungebundene Kraftstoff stating "If Oil is the Devil's Blood, the Transport is the heart, Stop the heart, the blood stops".
As protests halted across Althena in November 1984, the Devils Blood Organisation continued to protest the oil companies in the Saleh Gulf and Tresta Sea but now terrorist organisations have noticed that protesting didn't work for the companies and realised the dependence on oil was too strong for everybody, also realising that gaining oil for their own countries would mean independence from imported oil as well as becoming instant economic superpowers. These included the 2 main isolationism terrorist groups of Ladar, 2nd country to start protesting at the start of the crisis. These were Independence Front and Adula Cahrama translated as Lone Gods in native language.
Sinking of the Shelly Manstein
On the 23rd of February 1985 their first attack came with the sinking of transport ship Shelly Manstein, named after the founders mother (maiden-name) of Trentannian oil company Forester Petroleum which started the crisis with the signing of a new oil field. The ship was carrying 52 workers from 2 oil platforms to the docks in the Ladar town of Cazourel.
The Independence Front fired a grenade at the boat, striking a hole in the hull as well as detonating, destroying the structural coherence of the ship. The explosion itself flung some crew members into the air on the open top ship with only rows of seats along the boat. The explosion instantly killed 16 of the workers as well as the captain of the ship. This also left the surviving workers with nothing much to hold onto to stay afloat.
The terrorists responsible called the life rescue service and fled, leaving the crew members to fight on their own for their lives. When the lifeboat finally arrived at the position given, another 4 had died from their injuries and others were suffering with hypothermia.
The death toll rose to 20 during the night and the investigation into the attack started with Trentannian investigators since it was a Trentannian boat sunk. This also lead to Trentannia declaring war on the Independence Front and all other terrorist cells related to the crisis, starting the war.
Trentannian Embassy Bombing
- Main article: Trentannian Embassy Bombing
On the 9th December, 1986. Adula Cahrama set off a bomb under the parking structure of the Trentannian Embassy in Abu-Maratina, the 2nd largest city in Ladar, at 11:20AM which collapsed the embassy and the opposing office block containing Ladar based company, Quazla, a financial insurance company. The explosion and collapse killed 421 and at the time was the worst terrorist attack in Althena.
The truck was hired from the neighbouring industrial city of Ramadi the day before, terrorist Abu Lahar stopped at a storage unit on the way to the embassy to meet bomb maker Al Manera Dera who had created plastic barrels of fertiliser explosive, this happened at 10:45am and the travel to Abu-Maratina was quick due to low traffic in the morning. The truck parked at 11:00 and Abu Lahar and Al Manera Dera had got out the truck, being caught on CCTV as they exited. They both planned to fly to the Republic of Dhanama and live under the radar, working on making bombs for hire.
The truck detonated on time at 11:20 and the initial blast collapsed the 2 floors above killing 74 at that moment. The truck was parked beside major columns that caused the rest of the building to collapse. The office right beside it was also effected as the columns supporting this block was shook apart by the blast wave giving an example of how large this explosion was. The collapse of the office killed 246 of the 353 people in it. The embassy only partially collapsed as most columns near the back and front entrance were reinforced harder because of them being sustainable for a detonation at the gates. The collapse here killed the 175 other deaths that made up the final total. This included the Ambassador of Trentannia which gave the army a larger incentive to stop the crisis.
Abu Lahar and Al Manera Dera was arrested at the airport in the Republic of Dhanama, Abu Lahar confessed on behalf of Adula Cahrama as the proof that they did it, but Al Manera Dera did not confess and was released 24 hours later without charge as no evidence was found in that time connecting him to the actual attack. He died in 2012 though after he was part of the USNW HQ Bombing and captured by the RHMF.
Arubna Ridge Raid Shootout
On the 25th of January, 1988, the largest loss to the terrorists occurred with the retaking of occupied barrack, Arubna Ridge which was a major stronghold to the terrorists with easy access to weaponry with the close proximity to the nearest major airport and town, Karanza in Mahrain and it's 2nd largest airport, Al-Alzorqua Airport.
A troop of Trentannian soldiers took up camp just beyond the ridge and monitored activity for confirmation of suspicious activity. Which came in the form of wanted bomb manufacturer, Abu-Kazefa arriving at the occupied barrack. The soldiers were ordered to advance with a sneak attack and take out all hostiles including Abu-Kazefa. They advanced into the barracks opening fire on armed guards attracting attention from other terrorist soldiers residing in the barracks as well as protecting Abu-Kazefa.
This entailed a 5 hour gun fight in which 6 soldiers were killed but the barracks were reclaimed under Trentannia. In the battle, Abu-Kazefa had been killed while attempting to defend himself with an Automatic Rifle which he had no training to use (he had famously had no training to use any forms of fire-arms). Searching plans it was discovered that the cell were going to use specialised fragmented explosives much more deadlier than grenades to attack Al-Alzorqua Airport when planes were still taxing to the runway. This was estimated to have killed between 350-600 people and would have turned into the deadliest attack of the war. The plan was stopped with the reclaiming of the barrack and anybody noted as being connected put on a wanted list or instantly charged with conspiracy to commit terrorist acts if already in custody for another charge.
Karpo Oil Mass Bombing
On the 7th of July, 1988, the Posillipan government was drawn into the war with the mass bombing off all the Karpo Oil gas stations in the towns of Abi-Ado and Rastalia and the stations in between, it was orgistrated by terrorists working for Adula Cahrama in Mahrain where the towns are. There was approximately 20 bombs which not all was Karpo Oil but most attacks were. The bombs started to detonate at 4:30PM and continued for at least an hour. The bombs killed 47 including 12 bombers who were in cars when they detonated. 8 of the explosions were from motorbikes parked and left. This was the largest attack in means of most targets in the crisis. This was Posillipo's entrance into the Crisis which set off the start of finding a peaceful resolution to the crisis which would take another 3 years as they also sent in troops to help with the crisis.
Air Raid on Hazgulna
Hazgulna was a village in Sameshria which was subject to an air-raid on the 21st of October, 1988 that was performed by a mix of Posillipan and Aelin air forces. It was thought that the air-raid was done because it was a Devils Blood Organisation stronghold which of a much more deadlier a branch of the organisation which was planning to take out an Aelin Oil Rig. This was when Aelin came into the war to stop the attack happening with the air raid.
The downside was that the branch had a stronghold but lived within public held under the control of the group. Mostly being women and children not fit to fight. As the raid approaches the group was armed yet as the aircraft arrived nobody shot at them being untrained in using ground-to-air missile and allowed the aircraft to attack the village, the result being innocent women and children being killed as well as untrained terrorists.
As the air-raid flew off a tactical team came in after to get any surviving terrorists arrested but discovered that innocent people were also killed. The next day the Aelin and Posillipan governments apologised for accidentally killing innocent citizens. This was a catalyst to other major attacks against Aelin and Posillipo.
FAZUC Involvement in Delta Zeta Fire
Battle of Abu-Alucantu
- Main article: Battle of Abu-Alucantu
The Battle of Abu-Alucantu occured on the 16th of June 1990 and was the catalyst to the Treaty of Pascuz. It is also one of the few battles where the terrorist cells won over the East Althenans. A week before Luthan intelligence picked up information on an attack on oil rigs off the coast of Abu-Saleh in the coastal resort town of Abu-Alucantu. The city had been informed and the immediate area of the ambush cleared. The ambush on the terrorist cell, Independence Front and by then associates, Secylia based Eco-terrorists, Natural Warriors, was to take place in the dock district where boats filled with explosives were dis-armed in secret and Luthan and Trentannian soldiers placed around the ambush area.
The terrorists didn't come but a ballistic missile was fired from out at sea, the ambush seeming to be an ambush in itself to make another point to East Althena. This original missile attack destroyed a hotel building as well as killing 6 soldiers taking shelter in the hotel and injured another 3.
A convey of multiple pick-ups and mini vans were ferried into the ambush area where terrorists belonging to the Independence Front and Natural Warriors took fire onto the soldiers who sent shots back. But despite the soldiers being more trained they quickly lost because of the man-power not expected in the ambush. A back-up call was sent during the battle and aircraft from Trentannia took flight in an half an hour trip to the city, in which time the terrorists at the dock started to spread their hold on the city, taking another 5 blocks in the dock section, and advancing closer into the middle of the town. Most buildings were cleared but those closer into town had not and around 60 civilians were killed in the ensuing massacre to take over the streets. The taken over buildings included the famous Al-Maharii Hotel and the offices of the Ministry of Finance (though the minister himself was out of town being known that the ambush would take place).
As the air raid approached in sight of the terrorist group taking the city, they started to fire ground-to-air missiles towards the aircraft, downing 2 into the centre of the city. One landing in a lake in the city park where it still is as a memorial to the battle. The aircraft pilots retaliated by firing at the spots where terrorists were located outside of buildings as not to repeat the earlier air raid on Hazgulna though this only gained a small foothold.
The aircraft circled around and was ordered to fire their missiles at buildings including the Ministry of Finance and the Al-Maharii Hotel which they did, they killed most terrorists but as they came to circle, yet more ground-to-air missiles were fired, downing more planes, at this point it becoming too dangerous to dangerous to continue and the aircraft returned to base. This being a good point for the terrorists as it would take a day to move troops into the town giving the terrorist groups time to move their troops into the town.
The day after it arrived at the air-base that the entire town was under siege from the terrorists, making it a small base waiting for the troops to arrive.
Treaty of Pascuz and End of War
- Main article: Treaty of Pascuz
The Treaty of Pascuz was the peace treaty signed at the end of the war on 5th Autumn, 1991. The treaty was signed in the Birani in the Palace of Pascuz. it officially ended the state of war between Eastern Althenan nations and terrorist cells in Saleh Gulf. The treaty had the conditions following that are most important;
- All oil companies shall not place wells in sites of natural habitats that is essential to the upkeep of the eco-systems.
- Oil companies WILL gain criminal records if the above rule isn't followed, serious cases will involve foreclosure of the company no matter how large or infuential.
- All Terrorist Cells shall disarm and call end of the war against Eastern Althena, especially oil companies.
- Terrorict Cells which concern Eco-Terrorism shall be warned not to perform terrorism that will pose threat to the welfare of person as well as posing a threat to the eco-system.
See Also
Forgian Desert War (FAZUC Included in war/ occuring near the same area)