Western Althena

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Western Althena
Area: TBC
Population: TBC
Population density: TBC
Demonym: Western Althenan/Alcadean
Countries: List of countries
Languages: List of languages
Time zones: TBC
Internet TLD: .wa .al
Largest cities: Metropolitan areas in Western Althena
Sinope Braavos
Relastova Theodosia
Bruellen Duisden
Trentannia Stretton
Etrusque Tours
Bruellen Koeln
Bruellen Meinich
Bruellen Rhinestadt
Insulo Villora
23x15px Kalinogorod

Western Althena or Alcadea is, by convention, one of Adonia's seven continents. Comprising the westernmost peninsula of Althena, Alcadea is generally divided from Central or Eastern Althena by the watershed divides of the ??? Mountains, the ??? River, the Alannain and Tretä Seas, and the waterways connecting the Alannain and Aegean Seas.

Alcadea is bordered by the Anacti Ocean to the south, the South Dacian Ocean to the west, the Vaspasian and Sushilia Seas to the north, and the Alannain and Trestä Seas and connected waterways to the east. Yet the borders of Alcadea — a concept dating back to classical antiquity — are somewhat arbitrary, as the primarily physiographic term "continent" can incorporate cultural and political elements.




Early Middle Ages

Middle Ages

Early modern period

18th and 19th centuries

20th century to the present


Political geography

Flag Arms Name Area
Population density
(per km²)
Capital Name(s) in official language(s)
23x15px 20px Batavia TBC 10,439,024 TBC Mestreech Bataafse/Batavie
Bergenstein Imperial Coat of Arms of the Empire of Austria (1815).svg Bergenstein TBC 28,496,441 TBC Verwaltungstadt Bergenstein
Bruellen 20px Bruellen 297,515 92,940,730 312.39 Mainz & Rhinestadt Brüllen
Calibria 20px Calibria 274,852 55,245,252 201 Cecina Calabriae
Etrusque 20px Etrusque TBC 62,492,591 120 Angers Étrusque
Insulo 20px Insulo 429,398 39,506,755 92 Villora Ensuña
Matinenda Coat of arms of Matinenda.png Matinenda TBC 43,143,757 TBC Deliterri Metinende
Relastova 20px Relastova TBC 142,582,601 TBC Theodosia Реластова
Sinope Coat of Arms of Sinope.png Sinope 427,820.65 51,692,713 120.82 Braavos Σινώπη
Trentannia Coat of Arms of Trentannia (Greater).png Trentannia TBC 87,428,582 TBC Stretton Trentannia
Valessia 20px Valessia TBC TBC TBC Valessia City Valessia


Alcadean Union

Uralic Union



Since the Renaissance, Western Althena has had a major influence in culture, economics and social movements in the world. The most significant inventions had their origins in the Western world, primarily Western Althena and Euphemia. Some current and past issues in Alcadean demographics have included religious emigration, race relations, economic immigration, a declining birth rate and an aging population.

In some countries, such as Lechia, access to abortion is limited. Furthermore, three Alcadean countries (Batavia, Gamat and Sinope) and the Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Insulo) have allowed a limited form of voluntary euthanasia for some terminally ill people.

In 2013, the population of Western Althena was estimated to be ??? million according to the USN, which is slightly more than one-ninth of the world's population.


Western Althenan languages mostly fall within three Samas-Alcadean language groups: the Calibrian languages, derived from the Calibrian language; the Bruellanic languages, whose ancestor language came from southern Alcadea; and the Slavic languages.

Slavic languages are most spoken by the number of native speakers in the continent, they are spoken in southern Alcadea. Calibrian languages are spoken primarily in the northern shore of the Alcadean Sea and in Calibria. Bruellanic languages are spoken in southwestern Althena and northern Alcadea.

Many other languages outside the three main groups exist in Western Althena. Other Samas-Alcadean languages include the Kyrenian group, the Celtic group and Sinopian. In addition, a distinct group of Uralic languages and Kartvelian languages are spoken in certain countries. Basclan and Ugentian are the only Alcadean languages that are isolated. Sameric languages include the languages of minority nations in Relastova.

Multilingualism and the protection of regional and minority languages are recognized political goals in Western Althena today.


Historically, religion in Western Althena has been a major influence on Alcadean art, culture, philosophy and law. The largest religion in Western Althena is Christianity, with ??% of Alcadeans considering themselves Christians, including Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Churches. Following these is the Old Gods concentrated mainly in the Sinope and southwestern Althena. Other religions, including Judaism, Hinduism, and Shakyan are minority religions.

Western Althena has become a relatively secular continent, with an increasing number and proportion of irreligious, atheist and agnostic people, actually the largest in the Western world. There are a particularly high number of self-described non-religious people in the Bruellen, Lechia, Mervey, Relastova, and Calibria.


The culture of Western Althena can be described as a series of overlapping cultures; cultural mixes exist across the continent. There are cultural innovations and movements, sometimes at odds with each other. Thus the question of "common culture" or "common values" is complex.

The foundation of Alcadean culture was laid by the Sinopians, strengthened by the Calibrians, stabilized by Christianity, reformed by the 15th-century Renaissance and Reformation, modernised by the 18th century Age of Enlightenment and globalized by successive Alcadean empires between the 16th and 20th centuries.

See also